Netflix’ Kiss the Ground Documentary Shows Regenerative Agriculture is the Solution to Climate Change We’ve All Been Waiting For


The producers of ‘Kiss the Ground’ show how if we transform agriculture over the next decades we can reverse climate change and save humanity from collapse. The organization behind the documentary is also a Founding Member of the Positive Movement.

Kiss the Ground offers a turn-key solution to the climate crisis, with a simple plan hidden in plain sight, right under our very feet: the restoration of our depleted soils. The same soils that have less than 60 years of life left in them due to intensive farming and nitrate fertilizers and hazardous pesticides.

This star-studded documentary is narrated by Woody Harrelson who gives us his uplifting take on the opportunity at hand, that amounts to no less than the re-greening of mother Earth, by transforming agricultural practices. Harrelson’s upbeat tone is welcome because it keeps us in the solution mindset we need to come together to deal with the environmental challenges of our epoch. Not surprisingly, he argues that most news covering climate change, “puts most of us in a state of paralysis.”

Award-winning film-maker Joshua and Rebecca Tickell’s documentary is a companion film to Joshua’s best-selling book of the same name. Both book and documentary present a compelling blueprint for Regenerative farming as the antidote we have all been seeking for global warming.

The 84-minute length documentary is anchored in science. The ecologist Alan Savory, founder of the Savory Institute, points out that the solutions the film presents can easily be applied to restore health to two-thirds of earth’s much-degraded lands. Eco-warrior Paul Hawken, the creator of the Drawdown initiative, the world’s most comprehensive science-based plan to tackle climate change, concurs. Hawken is also a director of the Kiss the Ground foundation.

The documentary features glamour too; a number of A-listers including Gisele Bundchen, Tom Brady, Patricia Arquette, and Jason Mraz are rallying behind this simple call.

By respecting the microbial life beneath our feet and regenerating our soil, we can capture carbon in the earth, stabilize the climate, restore degraded ecosystems, and provide enough food to feed a growing population. The film shows how America’s 1930’s Dust Bowl was caused by intensive farming practices and that pesticides and fertilizers developed by German scientists during World War Two are the cause of an unprecedented ecological disaster and could lead to the collapse of modern agriculture, and civilization as we know it.

The documentary uses powerful NASA footage to show the positive impact healthy agriculture can have on capturing carbon from the atmosphere and cooling our earth.

“We get the soil right, we can fix a lot of our issues,” says Ray Archuleta, Conservation Agronomist “You cannot build ecological integrity without human integrity. The land reflects the people.”

Kiss the Ground is more than a documentary, it’s a powerful call to action with the aim of transforming global agriculture. The organization’s goals square perfectly with Positive’s own goal of creating a Regenerative economy.

